Activate Windows 10 Using a digital license


Last Update hace un año

Digital licenses are associated with your hardware and linked to your Microsoft account, so there's nothing you need to find on your PC. You're all set once your PC is connected to the internet and you log in to your Microsoft account.

If you don't have a digital license, you can use a product key to activate it. To learn how to activate using a product key, follow the steps to Activate using a product key.

First-Time Windows 10 Installation On New Device

  • If you are installing Windows on a new device or motherboard for the first time and you do not have a product key, select I don't have a product key during the installation setup screens.

  • When prompted, enter the Microsoft account you want to use to purchase a digital license for this device.

  • Once the setup screens are completed and Windows has finished installing, go to the activation settings

  •  Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Update & Security > Activation. Then select Go to the Store to purchase a digital license to activate Windows.

After reinstalling Windows 10

  • If you have a digital license for your device, you can reinstall the same edition of Windows 10 on this device without entering a product key.

  • Make sure that Windows 10 is activated before you try to reinstall it. To find out, select the Start button, and then select Settings > Update & Security > Activation. You’ll be able to confirm that your Windows 10 has been activated and that your Microsoft account is associated with your digital license

Reactivate Windows 10 After Hardware (motherboard) Change

  • When you make a significant hardware change to your device, such as replacing the motherboard, Windows 10 might no longer be activated.

  • Make sure you associate your Microsoft account with your digital license to prepare for hardware changes. The association enables you to reactivate Windows using the Activation troubleshooter if you make a significant hardware change later. For more info, see Reactivating Windows after a hardware change.

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